Wellness Industry Facts
A great industry to start your new career
In late 2016, the Global Wellness Institute released research confirming that the wellness industry is now worth over $3.72 trillion; representing more than 5% of all global economic output. It is said to be one of the world's fastest-growing, most resilient markets. Health and Wellness is predicated to keep moving across the globe and in New Zealand and Australia. You are picking an exciting industry to begin your career in an exciting time to do it. We will show you why...

U.S. News and World Report names health and wellness coaching as a cutting edge career.
The Global Wellness Institute released research confirming that the wellness industry is now one of the world's fastest-growing, most resilient markets
This is the 2nd fastest growing industry worldwide representing 5% of all global economic output.
predicted yearly growth to 2022

We are all feeling more stressed and busy now then we ever have. More people are reporting disrupted sleep, more anxiety, irritability and fatigue in their daily lives. More people then ever are turning to self-care techniques like meditation, exercise and dietary changes, and looking for people to help them to mitigate the effects of stress.
All of us at Move Academy are working towards educating as many people as possible to help people mitigate the stressors listed above and we are looking to you to help us achieve this goal. We can help you, so that you can move forward and help others. We want to educate you so that you can help others achieve happiness in whatever form that means for them.

What you could do with your Qualification
There are opportunities that come up everyday in the Health, Wellness and Fitness Industry in Australia, New Zealand and around the world. The world-wide Health and Wellness sector is expanding so welcome to this thriving US$3.7 trillion industry.
Your new qualification and skills will allow you to gain employment or business opportunities in a wide variety of environments from corporate wellness in a large corporation, bootcamp programs, your own Lifestyle Coaching business, working on a cruise ship or wellness retreat or in your local fitness centre.
All of our programs are international recognised through our centre accreditation with the YMCA awards organisation. Gaining a YMCA Awards approved qualification enables individuals to join the UK Register of Exercise Professionals, opening up job opportunities in the UK and, through the International Confederation of Registers for Exercise Professionals (ICREPs), Australia and New Zealand. Alternatively, you can join the IICT of which Move Academy is a Platinum supplier status. This membership gives our graduates access to practice in over 1400 health and wellness modalities and professional membership in 27 countries.