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Move Academy Green Policy

We need to care about the environment as much as we care for ourselves. 

Move Academy's Environmental Policy

Save our resources and Save the Planet

Move Academy aims to help save the environment by lowering our carbon footprint. 



The IICT aims to help save the environment by lowering our carbon footprin. In April 2015 IICT became a paperless business.
We are taking the initiative by offering you a choice on how you receive information from us. 

Contact us now to make the switch to healthier environment for all of us.

What you can do

  • Switch to Recurring Billing - the smarter way to pay - no need for invoices at renewal time

  • Choose to receive all information from us via email

  • Think before you print. If you receive an email form us, keep it electronically rather than printing it. 

  • You can also Refer a friend to our website, that way there is no need to send out flyers in the mail

Make the right choices and the benefits include:

- Save time - email is instant
- Save time at renewals
- Reduce waste paper 
- Benefit the environment

Make our environment a Greener, Safer place.


Find out more by visiting: Greening Australia at:

What is Wellness?

There are six dimensions incorporated into Wellness. Move Academy has designed courses that incorporate all of these and feels it is very important to now talk to clients about more than exercise and basic nutrition. They include: 

  • physical: maintaining a sound substantial body through regular exercise, proper nutrition, sleeping well and avoiding harmful habits

  • intellectual: being able to engage in lively interaction with the world around you, improving and encouraging problem solving, processing and creativity through continued learning: flexing the mind's muscle.

  • emotional: being aware and comfortable with your own thoughts and feelings, being able to express your thoughts and sensations and absorb those of others.

  • social: relating, interacting and communicating well with others, being comfortable in your own skin and to be able to contribute and engage in a healthy living environment.

  • Environmental: a healthy work and living environment free of hazards and focused on conservation of all natural resources, respecting nature and your surroundings, and gaining personal fulfilment from our surroundings.

  • spiritual: a sense of life that is meaningful and has a purpose, embracing the meta-physical and reaching beyond the physical realm of existence and experiences.

How Does Health, Wellness or Lifestyle Coaching differ from Personal Training, Nutrition Coaching or Therapy?

Just because someone is a trainer, nutritionist of therapist does not mean they are a Wellness, Health or Lifestyle Coach.


We believe clients deserve a unique approach to their own personal Health and Wellness goals and someone to help them attain these goals. Wellness, Health or Lifestyle Coaches learn to work with clients to determine and attain these goals in a more rounded and holistic approach.


A coach begins with the goals in mind and begins with questions around the clients expectations of wellness; what is important and the path the client envisions to achieving their goals. If not certain, a coach can help build these expectations. 


A therapist may want to know where the client has been but a Health, Wellness or Lifestyle coach will focus on where the client is going. A  Personal Trainer may give you a workout routine and a nutritionist may prescribe an individualised diet. A Health , Wellness, or Lifestyle Coach sees both of these elements as part of the bigger picture of the clients "whole" wellness. You will work with your clients knowing that getting to the goal wont happen all at once, but a little at a time, and that long-lasting results are what matter most. 


A Health, Wellness or Lifestyle Coach will work the their client the "whole way" to help define wellness on their own terms

Will my Qualification be Recognised in New Zealand?

Yes, your new qualification will be recognised in New Zealand and will allow you to make a difference in people lives wherever you choose to work after graduation. As a Move Academy graduate you will have the most up to date content developed with international industry consultation which potential employers and clients will appreciate. Your new qualification, along with the hard work you have put in to develop your new skills, your personality, communication and presentation skills will allow you to get your dream job.  Your qualification is recognised internationally through the International Institute for Complimentary Therapists (IICT). This enables you to work in your chosen modality, and most importantly access insurance to practice your new skills and confidently go forward with your new business opportunity.

What is the International Institute for Complementary Therapists (IICT)

IICT is an international Accreditation Body for Health, Wellness and Fitness Modalities. This organisation offers Move Academy Graduates recognition of all qualifications offered in one place. This gives you, the graduate, the flexibility to operate in one or many modalities within the Health, Wellness and Fitness Industry. 

IICT is truly unique. Unlike Associations that tend to cater to specific modalities, IICT represents the worlds largest list of recognised natural therapy modalities. IICT recognises your existing qualifications so you don’t have to under go expensive continued education requirements. There are no CPD point requirements and no need to re-train in order to keep your membership current. With you ICT membership you will gain Professional Membership in 26 countries and be offered specialised discount insurance rates. Move Academy is a Platinum Provider which gives our graduates a 50% reduction in member rates with the IICT.

Can I work and Study at the Same Time?

Absolutely!  We have designed the qualifications to do exactly that. The course is flexible so that you are able to work, train, study and continue all the other aspects of life at the same time. A blended learning approach of online theory with practical components ensure you will have all the necessary skills upon graduation.


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